Thursday, June 24, 2010

Redheads and more redheads day

Here is the official Facebook event page for A Guinness World Record of the largest Gathering of Natural Redheads event.

Also please join my cause R.H.C. and show your love for Redheads

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sharing the gift of being a redhead

A while back, a dear friend of mine got cancer. I grew out my hair and cut it all off. I gave it to her to make into a wig as she experienced hair loss due to chemotherapy.

Here's the article another friend of mine wrote of it.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Redheads, meet a redhead

Attention all Reds! Come to the record setting ceremony of 'most natural redheads in one place' on Saturday, July 17, 2010 in Sammamish, Washington.
Please visit photographer Anne Lindsay's website for more information.
This will be the world's largest redhead meet and greet :)
Now we can get down to business and start procreating!!

Redhead Extinction Awareness

Join the cause!!

Yes, the red hair gene is recessive. Individuals who carry the gene for red hair aren't procreating. If you're a Redhead, please marry another redhead and have little redheads. Let's bless the world with more Reds :D